Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A 'Rocking' Makeover!

Hello Blogger friends!

Forgive me for waiting soooo long to post! I'm really trying to learn to balance my time between everything there is to do in a day. Honestly, it seems like the days are going by faster and faster! 
In addition to the everyday running around, I've added a new addition to my family! My sweet puppy Brooklyn <3

OMG! Couldn't you just eat him up?!?!
(I'll post about him another time)

Anywho, Today's post isn't about my cutie-pie pup...

It's about this:

I know, possibly among one of the saddest sights you've ever seen! LOL...

Let me explain, It all started a week and a half ago...I was sitting in this same chair casually watching TV with my bestie (the owner of this specimen) when I got a spontaneous jolt of inspiration! To make a long story short, I wanted to make it pretty...

After finding a beautiful material and coordinating trim at JoAnn (for 50% off!), we got to work. After removing the not-so-nice fabric, we enlisted the help of the oh-so-eager-to-help little ones...they really enjoyed sanding :-) 

 (the little one supervised)

Once all of the sanding was done, I covered the batting/stuffing with cut-up grocery bags in preparation for spray painting the wood...

This is it after the paint job and a fresh piece of material for the seat.
(No, it's not dirty material, it's a tea stained color we found at Walmart. Don't judge, it was only 75 cents!)

Here it is all finished!
(We both loved how it came out!)

Here's a better look at the gorgeous fabric...

The before & after...

Thanks so much! Please comment and let me know what you think :-)